The Father Christmas Experience at Marsh Farm

 Marsh Farm Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5WP Marsh Farm Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5WP - Map Directions
16 November 2024 - 24 December 2024
 01245 321552
£ From £30

We’ve added even more magic to our Father Christmas Experience

A wondrous journey awaits you, but before you can embark on your enchanted adventure, you’ll need to be granted special access to the North Pole! Don’t worry, our expert Elves in Passport Control will make sure all your papers are in order and send you on your way.

First stop, the Elf Academy! Here you have a once in a lifetime chance be inducted as an honorary Elf! Yes, you can learn the spells that could land you a spot on Fathers Christmas’ team…that’s as long as those mischievous Elves can remember how they go!

Continue your spellbinding journey

Brrrrr, it just got really chilly, could snow be on it’s way? Let’s find out as we step into the Snow Show, filled with a flurry of surprises.

Your tummies are probably starting to rumble now, especially with that yummy smell filling the air, where’s it coming from? Ah Mother Christmas’ kitchen! I wonder what she’s got in the oven today? I’m sure she’ll share her sweet treats to keep you fuelled up for the rest of the adventure.

Magical Christmas Tour

Now sit tight and listen carefully for your name... it’s time to see who is on the Naughty and Nice list at the Grotto. When it’s called you’ll get to meet Father Christmas himself and make sure he got your letter and is ready for the big day.

The magic doesn’t end here! Next you’ll visit The Teddy Bear Market where you can choose and make your very own fury friend to take home with you.

But before we head back to the farm, your visit to the North Pole wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the Elf Emporium for a gift in exchange for your Magical Snowy (that’s Elf money!)

Safely back on the farm, you can still stick around to enjoy our festive rides, meet the animals, indulge in treats from our special Yuletide menu and even have a go at ice skating!

More info & Book tickets

Event Videos

2024-11-16 2024-12-24 The Father Christmas Experience at Marsh Farm